Elena started Kindergarten yesterday. I don't suppose she's any different from other first day of school-ers. She woke up early with a smile, eager to get dressed, and had her shoes on before Lucas had gotten out of bed. This is saying a lot, for those of you who know how early Lucas gets up.
Friday, August 19, 2011
On to the Big K (Kindergarten, that is)
Elena started Kindergarten yesterday. I don't suppose she's any different from other first day of school-ers. She woke up early with a smile, eager to get dressed, and had her shoes on before Lucas had gotten out of bed. This is saying a lot, for those of you who know how early Lucas gets up.
Posted by The Terrell Family at 2:09 PM 12 comments
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Preschool Wrap-up
We finished preschool last week. Lucas had a great year and a great party to finish things off (thanks to a great home-room parent - the other mom in his class, not me). He loved his tattoos and the face paint. He has made such strides in his development and it is so fun to see him interact with his friends and teachers. He is such a sweet boy and is so aware of the needs of those around him. He has also come a long way in learning how to handle his emotions and communicate productively.
Posted by The Terrell Family at 5:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Another (Year) Bites the Dust
Since soccer ended about three months ago, an update on the rest of our 2010 may be needed. It's not that anything earth shattering happened, but I feel a little incomplete until this tiny corner of my mind's "to-do" clutter is cleaned out. It really was a great year (and yes, I realize we're almost 1/12 finished with the next one already) filled with a lot of fun memories. I figured today would be a good day to catch up since it's a snowday and I don't see us going anywhere in the immediate future.
I'll hit the highlights.
1. Halloween. Yes, I am that pathetically behind.

4. Christmas. This year we really didn't want to travel. We just wanted a quiet Christmas with as little activity as humanly possible. So we extended the invitation to family - If you want to see us, you need to come to us. Only Drew's parents took us up the offer. Drew had to work Christmas Day and the rest of the weekend, but he was able to come home here and there to get in some presents and food (He had 5 days off over New Year's instead). The kids were able to open presents in three shifts, so they were in Heaven. I made a meal sufficient to feed us for the next week. Drew caught up on rest and his Lost episodes during his break. All in all it was a great holiday.
Posted by The Terrell Family at 3:47 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Our exercise in organized sports
Posted by The Terrell Family at 5:24 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A whole hand
That's right. Elena turned 5 last month. According to her, she is now old enough to pick whatever she wants to eat, lose her teeth, go to kindergarten, be the boss, and so many other wonderful big girl things. We go back and forth on the list quite often. I still can't convince her that five year-olds don't cry.
Posted by The Terrell Family at 3:44 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Let's Get Funky
This is a video that Elena's teacher and principal made. Elena's in the front row towards the left. Please don't blame me if you have this song in your head all day long.
Posted by The Terrell Family at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 15, 2010
Dum, Dum, Da-Dum
Wedding bells were ringing this summer. The happy couple (drum roll please): My baby brother and his adorable bride. I'm pretty excited to have another sister-in-law since I don't have any sisters of my own, but I don't think my excitement comes anywhere near Elena's excitement over being the flower girl. I don't even know if the bride's compares. You'll have to let me know, Wy.
The wedding was perfect. Seriously, perfect. Like from a movie perfect. The flower girl and ring bearer were especially adorable. We tied a couple of Lucas's little toy guys to the ring pillow to help hold his attention down the aisle. It worked. Thank goodness. Of course his shepherd/sister made sure he didn't miss a step and posed for her close-up the whole way down to the front.
I didn't get a lot of pictures (attn family: if you have pictures-please send/email them to me), but I get a few that paint the picture.
My favorite photo of the day. Lucas's ring bearer outfit lasted about 2.7 seconds after the "I-dos" and into the "soccer ball" shirt he changed.
We had a lot of fun spending time with the family! We love you, Uncle Trenton.
The best man and the flower girl.
The lone picture of Lucas. He liked the big dance floor. Not to dance, but to be swung around by Grandpa Lee. I think Grandpa enjoyed himself as well.
Speaking of the dance floor-I should mention that we practically had to tear Elena off of it around 11:00 pm. She would not stop. Maybe once, for the cake.
Posted by The Terrell Family at 4:01 PM 2 comments