Sunday, June 15, 2008

Love It!

Ahhh. Being allowed to drive around 75-80 mph with no worries of a ticket. For any of you who have ever driven through North Dakota you can appreciate this. I love my home state, but truthfully there just really isn't that much to see and you just kind of want to get to where you're going as fast as you can!
I had a wedding last night about 100 miles away. Most of the time in the car was spent singing at the top of my lungs through the pouring rain. The rest of it was spent thinking, "surely it must be getting close. Maybe after the next field." I'm just grateful I got to drive fast, once the rain slowed of course.
I've done a lot of driving across a lot of flat, straight shot states and I would encourage those states to get on the ball! Especially Ohio! For the love. Get me through there at at least 70, please!!!
Another great thing about driving through ND is the feeling that you can just stretch out and go forever. I get a little clausterphobic in WV, but at home I can see forever and there are few things I find more beautiful. I guess it's probably what you grew up with. I love the mountains and hills, but there is something about the endless sunflower fields that just really connects with me. As beautiful as they are, however, I don't mind getting to driving past at 75. =)


Carla Anne said...

I second that! I live in VA and I am being invaded by all the trees. I just want to see the sky, the fields, something! And yes, Ohio needs to get on the ball.