Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Little Squirt!

My little squirt did it! He used the big potty last night for the first time. It was really quite amusing, and I am by no means thinking he is ready to go for the big P.T. (potty training). He was in the tub and started shouting, "Got go potty!" over and over. So, I got him out set him on the potty and he just started going. Then he thought it was so funny he kept trying to watch and trying to go more. I thought he was done, so I got him off and he walked down the hall still laughing hard. I guess he really thought peeing all the way down the hall was just as fun as on the potty. Anyway, he came back to the potty to do MORE.

Sorry for the TMI post, but I was just so excited I had to share.


buffyvandabailey said...

No, that is exciting. Blog away!