Wednesday, February 25, 2009

You'd think I married a centipede

He doesn't have stinky feet. He only goes one place each day (work). I don't really understand how or why. It just happens. This is not even a full week of socks and it doesn't count the dress socks I already folded and put away. For some reason I hate washing and folding socks and I continually question Drew as to how many times he changes socks each day.


shelly said...

Wow. That sounds really nice to have so many clean fluffy socks. Maybe he likes zero moisture on the foot. I'm curious if there's a schedule for the changes. Like after-breakfast socks. Mid-afternoon socks. Evening tv lounging socks. I don't know, but this confirms what I've been thinking this week--I need to buy some more socks. If for no other reason, but to keep up with the Terrells!

Lindy said...

...and I thought John was the only one! It used to really bother me, but now I'm used to it. If he doesn't turn them right side out, though, that's how he gets them back :)

Team Pierce said...

Wow! I don't think my husband changes his socks. There are hardly any in the wash. I think he wears the same pair for a few days. Gross. Must Investigate!