Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Here is an article I found on a friends site that reminded me of the great people in Fargo that are helping out.

My parents were informed today that they need to pack up their basement because one of the dikes ahs already broken a few miles south of where they live. They may need to evacuate because another dike is being built in front of their house as back up. I am so glad they live around so many wonderful people who are willing to help in such an emergent situation.


Ashley and Cody said...

We will keep them in our prayers. How scary, but that is cool how much the community is coming together. Your kids are so stinking cute and growing up. I love reading your blog and all the funny stories. Hang in there!!

buffyvandabailey said...

Good grief! I've been thinking about you and your family the past two days. We'll keep them in our prayers.

P.S. Beautiful Morgantown was on the front page of the Personal Journal section of the Wall Street Journal yesterday. The article was talking about how well college towns are weathering the recession.