Monday, March 30, 2009

The Right Stuff

I really liked this slideshow. The news/media started portraying the flood stories as a hopeless situation and what they found instead was, ironically, hope. A renewed hope in people.

I have been asked why would someone want to live in my hometown. This is really what it comes down to. It is a community. Having lived through a very similar situation before, I have a special place in my heart for what is going on in Fargo. I know that it is hard to capture the spirit and determination through videos and photos, but bare with me as this may be for myself more than anyone else.

By the way, my family is back in their home although they need to climb over a seven foot dike to get in and out.


Mrs Ana said...

I love stories like these. It captues just what North Dakota people are like. It makes me so proud to say I'm from North Dakota.

Wendy said...

I have to admit...I have been one of those people asking "Why would someone want to live in ND?" But now, I understand why you love and miss home so much!
Maybe Drew can pull a few strings and get a partner spot for Jeff in Fargo! :)

The Whites said...

I've been meaning to ask how your parents are doing, so I guess it's good I finally looked at your blog!