Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Alive and well

Lucas had his 18 month well-child visit today. All is well with the little crazy-man. He got a shot and survived. Elena supervised the entire visit and gave her final approval of the doctor after his appointment. She said, "I like Dr. Wood. She's nice. She helped Lucas put his shoes on." I agree.
After Elena's night in the Emergency Room a couple of weeks ago, she was a little insistant that she was all better and didn't need to go to the doctor. "Dr. Joe and Daddy helped me get all better."
I love these kids and am pretty grateful that they are healthy, active, intelligent little buggers who like to race (with an official start and everything), tickle, throw tantrums, and everything else that shows me that they're thriving.


Courtnie said...

Hahaha! I love that face Lucas is pulling.

Why did Elena go to the ER?

Allan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
buffyvandabailey said...

I too love it when our children let us know that they are very much alive.

Cute picture. Cute post.

(That was me who deleted the above comment. I was signed in as Allan--who does read your blog as well)