Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A higher standard indeed

I have been watching the news programs on cable (trying to get all sides via Fox and CNN) and there has been a lot of discussion regarding the upcoming election. -We're picking a president in the fall in case you've been out of the loop - Anyway, many of you have probably heard about the extramarital affair that has been confirmed by a former presidential candidate, John Edwards. While I acknowledge no one is free of mistakes, I find what people to be saying quite fascinating. These discussions on the news shows have really disgusted me on so many levels, and I just wanted to get this out there. Comment if you agree, disagree, don't know what I'm talking about ....

1) I was listening to a consultant for a democrat's campaign last night and she was talking about how there shouldn't be much fallout for the party come the general election because democrats don't run on the conservative moral standards that republicans do. They don't go after the church-goers votes, in other words. Please, fidelity is not a high moral standard -it's a basic element to marriage or a serious relationship. I don't think that it exactly falls into the same category as same-sex marriage, abortion and welfare.

2) The former campaign manager for John Edwards was discussing the fall-out of this "breaking news" and to his credit he mentioned his disappointment for the former candidate, but then he proceeded to discuss the "business" of politics and running for office. It made me reflect upon the nature of campaigning and sad that it has turned into a business where money matters, nasty propaganda tactics are used to deflect or attract voters attention, and that winning may seem more important than the job at hand. I guess I just don't feel like politics should be a business, although I admit that it is. Good people, great leaders don't run for president because they don't have the money or they don't want to get into the messy campaigning. Although the fundamentals of democracy are being achieved, I am disappointed in the means taken to accomplish them.

3) The comment is often made that we should not hold these politicians to unrealistic standards. Well my question is, why not? I want a leader who can keep his commitments. If he can't stay true to his marriage vows, why should I believe any other promises he or she makes. If he can't honor his position in a family to lead and show respect and honor towards the members of it, how can I expect him to show respect and honor for the position he holds as head of a country. Don't tell me that the people running to lead one of the most influential and powerful countries in the world are only human. Speeding tickets are one thing. Infidelity is another. I will hold my candidates to higher standards, and although my choices this round leave much to be desired, I expect them to conduct their personal lives in a way that would not make me ashamed to teach my children to love and respect them as a leader.

Lastly, I am so grateful I live in a country that allows me to state my opinions, that allows us to choose our leaders, that makes information available to the masses (biased or not =), and I am really proud to be here despite the occasional rants.


Lucy said...

Alicia - we must be on the same wave length, did you see my post this morning?? Although I didn't address the Edwards issue at all, I feel like I need to participate fully in this election. I'm feeling the urge because my state is up for grabs.

On the subject of Edwards, I do feel although deserving the media is tearing him apart, however, where were they when Clinton did the same thing?? Integrity is Integrity, you have it or you don't. I'm completely with you, adultery is not "acceptable". And in some countries you are stoned to death for the offense.

Carla Anne said...

I agree whole heartedly! If you can not respect and honor your WIFE who you know, spend time with and supposedly love then how can you respect and honor a country of people whom you do not even know their first name?
It is a sad day when people start believing that fidelity is just something devote church-goers believe in.
Good Post!

Julia Kelly said...

to think that Edwards not only cheated on his wife, but cheated on her while she was undergoing cancer treatments. What a creep.

and you can't tell me that leaders, especially the president of the united states shouldn't be held to a higher standard. totally agree with you 100%