Friday, March 28, 2008

Round Four

There is an air of tension floating over our household today. Not really tension, more like a combination of annoyance and anxiety. Drew is taking his fourth round of his medical licensing board exams today and tomorrow. Just allow me to vent my frustration at this process. He has been taking board exams since his second year of medical school. Each round is different in some degree, but the passing rate also increases as the testing goes on. My thought is that by now, if he isn't qualified to be a doctor someone should have taken his medical degree away from him a long time ago.

These tests are ridiculously expensive as several friends I know are aware. The exam has nothing to do with his chosen specialty. That would be a different situation. His score will basically qualify him to be a doctor in West Virginia. He will get a prescription pad with his name on it. The test is meant mainly as a screening, but he has been practicing as a resident for almost a year as will most of his colleagues who have to take the same test. I would like to think that if you aren't cut out to be a doctor something would have tipped you off by now.

I suppose I should save my rantings until after we find out if Drew has passed. I'm probably jinxing him as we speak. I am now knocking on wood and crossing my fingers.


buffyvandabailey said...

What?! You don't think a personalized prescription pad is worth $1,000? (That's just an estimate based on my knowledge of such things).

Won't he have to take them every couple years for the duration of his career as well?

The Terrell Family said...

I don't even know if the pad will have his name on it. Personalization is extra =).

I think he'll have to take boards specifically geared toward ENT stuff, not pyschiatry and gynecology.