Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The day has come!

I know a lot of other places have already experienced this joyous sight, but I just wanted to share the excitement I felt when I saw this sight yesterday (one I haven't seen in YEARS!)
(The gas prices - not the snow)

How we spent a day in the snow

We spent last Saturday morning sledding with some friends. I think the kids had two different ideas of how they wanted that day to go.



Little Squirt!

My little squirt did it! He used the big potty last night for the first time. It was really quite amusing, and I am by no means thinking he is ready to go for the big P.T. (potty training). He was in the tub and started shouting, "Got go potty!" over and over. So, I got him out set him on the potty and he just started going. Then he thought it was so funny he kept trying to watch and trying to go more. I thought he was done, so I got him off and he walked down the hall still laughing hard. I guess he really thought peeing all the way down the hall was just as fun as on the potty. Anyway, he came back to the potty to do MORE.

Sorry for the TMI post, but I was just so excited I had to share.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another good one

Elena was sitting at the dinner table and telling us about her day at school. She informed us that her friend H__ told her that he wanted to marry her. She told me, "I tell him no. Not until six more years." Then today we were trying on a few of her church dresses to see if they still fit and she started dancing around singing, "Now I can get married. I marry you Mommy."

We were in our sacrament meeting on Sunday when Lucas wriggled loose from our pew went over to his Nursery teacher and started yelling "cookie, cookie,cookie" with his outstreched hand. I guess he knows who to go to for a snack.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A dutiful post

I wouldn't be fulfilling my blooging-mom duties if I didn't post a few pictures of our Halloween week. We had a lot of great parties to go to and a wonderful evening of tricks and treats. (the only trick was Drew getting home in time for the 5:30-6:30 city-wide trick or treat) Elena had a great time trick-or-treating. Especially once she realized that all she had to do was say the magic words and people would just give her a handful of candy. That's my girl!

Elena had to dress up like a saint for her preschool party (it's a Catholic school) and she was the patron saint of Mexican Children. There are patron saints of just about everything. The only way to make Lucas content was to let him get into the candy a little early. We basically kept stealing from the treats just to keep him going. This is the only non-screaming pic I have of him with his penguin hood on.