Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A hiking we will go...

One of the few things Drew and I actually have in common (besides basic core beliefs) is our enjoyment of hiking and the outdoors. The fall is a great time to take advantage of the great parks in our area, and as we have in years past, we load up the car and kids and head out for some great day trips.

Swallow Falls, Maryland
What better way to spend a cold rainy afternoon with a sick kid than to head out to see waterfalls? I can't think of any. (disclaimer: Lucas refused to wear a coat. We are not that neglectful!)

Seneca Rock, West Virginia
Last year we took the kids hiking around Elena's birthday and this year we did the same. She asked us if that is what she would be getting every year. I guess it's possible. We went down to Seneca Rocks this year and weren't quite ready for the hike ahead. In fact, it could have been a Sunday School object lesson. We didn't know how far the trail would actually go up the rock or how long it would take. With no snacks or kid-carriers or even good shoes, we headed up.up.up.
It is never a good sign when people measure the distance left by the number of switchbacks you have to go. We made it. I was convinced Lucas would hurl himself off the lookout, and in fact I had to leave him with his dad because I was a little too freaked out to watch. The view was gorgeous and well worth the hike. The kids did fantastic and earned the praises of all those who had to go around us because we weren't exactly leading the pack. A fun day all in all.
A view from the bottom
A view from the top

The best views of all!!


shelly said...

Beautiful! We never do outdoors stuff, but if I lived near you, I'd go to the places you go after you test them out =)

The Whites said...

I realize i missed out on all these places while there...always intended to go but never quite made it. Way to take advantage of the things around you! Hope you guys are well. Let me know if your ever coming to Indy and have time to stop by!

Mrs Ana said...

What beautiful sights. Sometimes it's fun not to be so structure and be surprised. What wonderful memories you are making. Your children are adorable!