Monday, July 26, 2010

"I just don't have room for the horse"

After a few weeks here in Fargo, the time has come to pack up and head back to West Virginia. We came out in a Suburban and will be trying to consolidate everything into a couple of suitcases. I had to break it to Elena that there will just not be room for her stuffed horse. Instead I sent it ahead with Drew, who graciously agreed to carry it through the airport (and even got teased by the slightly feminine flight attendant).

My mom came out and spent the month of June with us while Drew was working out by D.C., and then we tagged along back to North Dakota for the month of July. Two months together. Hmmm. At first I was skeptical, but it actually turned out to be really great. I love my mom and it was so fun to get to spend that time with her. She was a real trooper. My kids can be relentless, and she held her own! Thanks, Mom! Now it is time to get back to real life.

We've had a great trip, and I'll do the picture thing within the next week or so. Be prepared.


Courtnie said...

Yep, it is back to life as usual around here too. We are going back at the end of August for the last month of this pregnancy. I will have the baby in UT and then we will move to___. We don't know where yet.

Btw, thanks! I am not biased eirher and think BOTH of your kids are exceptionally cute! ;)

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An exceptional read, thank you. It is acquiring harder and harder to sift by way of all of the garbage on the internet these days.