Thursday, June 12, 2008

Missing Daddy!

This post is for you Drew. I know it isn't the most fun for you when I pack the kids up and we run off to ND for a few weeks here and there. Thanks for being understanding about me needing a little break and enjoying time with my family. I just thought I would write about a few things the kids do to show me they miss Daddy.

-Every time Elena sits down with a piece of paper it's to make a picture for Daddy.
-Lucas will walk around dangling a sippy cup saying Daddee.
-When I talk on the phone with anyone Elena will run up and yell "I want to talk to Daddy."
-Elena likes to look at pictures of you.
-we drive by a hospital Elena says she wants to go and see Daddy at work.

You're a great Dad and the kids love you so much!! Now everyone here knows it too!

--In case you haven't gathered, I'm still in ND> The kids are getting a little stir crazy again with the rain, but it should be nice for part of the day so off to the park we go.


Rebecca said...

so cute!!! isn't so fun to see just how much your kids adore their daddy.