Saturday, September 26, 2009

Flippin' for Flapjacks

I love West Virginia. Where else do they have a festival (a rather large one) centered on celebrating the obscure grain of Buckwheat. Where else does said festival draw thousands to a town whose only stop light is leading out of the Wal-Mart parking lot.
Thursday night we went down to Kingwood, WV for the annual Buckwheat festival, and we had a blast. Really. We meandered through the crowds as we found the volunteer fire station where hundereds were stuffing themselves with the legendary Buckwheat pancakes served at the festival. We really enjoyed this unique treat. Then it was time for the parade of fire engines and marching bands. Elena loved waving at the firemen and festival princesses, and she really enjoyed dancing to the marching bands, complete with pretend baton throws and very real high kicks. We didn't make it to the rides or craft sales; maybe next year.